INquiry about FCL Mix container

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INquiry about FCL Mix container
  • ******
  • 112.134.*.*
  • 2024-07-23 12:38:25
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INquiry about FCL Mix container2024-07-23 12:38:25

lease quote CIF C4% Manzanillo port, Mexico 1x40 FCL Mix container MOQ per item? Nylon 6 DTY Stretch 70/24/2 NIM Optical White 4 tons 70/24/2 NIM Black 4 tons 70/24/2 NIM SDRW 4 tons 70/24/1 NIM \"S\" Twist SDRW 3 tons 70/24/1 NIM \"Z\" Twist SDRW  3 tons 105/2 or 70/3 NIM SDRW 4 tons 

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